Permanent Makeup Removal, Greensboro, NC

Lily Handt health + beauty > Cosmetics, Greensboro, NC > Permanent Makeup Removal, Greensboro, NC

Our permanent makeup removal experts will help you get rid of old eyeliner tattoos and the like to present a more subtle, natural appearance to the world.

Permanent Makeup Removal in Greensboro, North Carolina

At Lily Handt health + beauty, we want to help you look and feel your best. In our experience, many women want to look put-together and professional but are frustrated by the amount of time it takes to apply makeup each day. In fact, women have been struggling with this issue since at least 1902, when London tattoo artist Sutherland MacDonald first started offering permanent makeup—tattooed blush to give a permanent rosy glow to his clients’ cheeks. While others have taken up this idea over the years, unfortunately, many permanent makeup tattoos were done poorly or not well-maintained, which caused the people who got them to look worse than they did before. If you have such a tattoo and are no longer satisfied with its appearance, you can turn to our team to get the permanent makeup removal services you need.

Once our permanent makeup removal specialists have removed your tattoos, we are happy to discuss our alternative options. We offer semi-permanent makeup services that will let you achieve the permanently put-together appearance you are going for without the harsh ink lines of traditional tattoos—instead, we use natural pigments to subtly correct your skin tone, fill out your lash line, and more. Our services will not draw attention to themselves but blend seamlessly in to your natural appearance.

Our team is proud to serve the Greensboro, North Carolina community, and we want to help you look and feel your best. If you have permanent makeup tattoos that you would now like to remove, just give us a call to learn more about our permanent makeup removal services.

At Lily Handt health + beauty, we offer permanent makeup removal to those from Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point, Charlotte, Raleigh, Burlington, Concord, Mooresville, Salisbury, Statesville, Chapel Hill, Fayetteville, Asheboro, and Durham, North Carolina and throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.