At Lily Handt health + beauty, we want to help you look and feel your best. In our experience, few things affect the way we look more than the condition of our skin. When you are young, your skin can recover from sun damage more easily, returning to its original smooth, even appearance after getting burned or tanned. However, as we get older, our skin becomes less resilient, and sun damage becomes more likely to leave blemishes such as freckles, liver spots, or skin tags. If you want to even out your skin tone once more, we encourage you to try our dark spot removal services. Keep reading to learn more about these services so you can decide if they are right for you.
There are a variety of methods used for dark spot removal, including chemical peels, lasers, and vitamin C serum. Our method of choice involves none of these techniques—instead, we use equipment that produces an electrostatic current to burn the dark spot away. While this description makes it sound intimidating, we assure you our dark spot removal treatments are not invasive or painful. We will thoroughly numb the area first, and then the dark spot will naturally flake off your skin within a few days after the treatment, leaving your skin smooth and even once more.
If you have questions about our dark spot removal services, we encourage you to give us a call. Our team will be happy to provide the answers you are looking for.
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