Lily Handt health + beauty > Health & Beauty Blog > Skin Tags 101: Everything You Wanted to Know, but Were Afraid to Ask

Skin tags are technically tumors of the skin

Skin tags. These obnoxious and unsightly little bundles of skin are more common than many of us realize. When you have a skin tag, you might feel a little embarrassed about it and may be afraid to discuss it with other people. Here at Lily Handt health + beauty, we want you to feel confident, comfortable and at ease in your own skin, so we have set up a list of questions that many people want to know about skin tags, but are often too afraid to ask!

  • Are skin tags cancerous? Skin tags are technically tumors of the skin, but they are completely benign and not harmful. However, they often develop in areas where skin rubs on skin or clothing, such as the groin, armpits, under the breasts, eyelids, etc. which can make them uncomfortable if they grow large.
  • Can I remove them at home? There are some over the counter methods that can be effective, such as the wart-remover that works by freezing, but for the most part, your best bet for permanent skin tag removal needs to be at a clinic like ours or with your medical professional. Furthermore, clipping them off can lead to infection.
  • Will removing my skin tags make more grow in? This is an old wives’ tale and has no truth behind it. If a skin tag develops in the same area, it is because that area is more prone to skin tag development.

If you have questions about skin tags that were not answered above, please contact us today at Lily Handt health + beauty or leave a comment below!