The decision to remove a tattoo is one that most people don’t take lightly, and quite a few factors can contribute to the choice. If you’ve contemplated getting a tattoo removal but aren’t sure if you’re ready, or if you even need to remove a tattoo, there are a few things we recommend you think about carefully.
As you consider whether tattoo removal is the best option for you, here are a couple things to consider as you work towards your final decision:
- Time and aging – As you age, your tattoo is going to change with the rest of your body. Think about if you are comfortable with the fading, discoloration, stretching, and other changes that will impact your tattoo over time.
- Your personal identity – If you have a tattoo that reflects a particular value, lifestyle, or other identity aspects, consider whether it still reflects who you are as a person or if you have changed since you got the tattoo. If you no longer identify with who you were when you got it, a tattoo removal service might help you feel like your body reflects who you are now rather than who you were.
- Career and relationship impacts – These days, visible tattoos are much more common in the workplace, but if you have a tattoo that might affect your career, you’ll want to consider if your attachment to the tattoo outweighs your work goals. The same goes for relationships – if a tattoo might impact future relationships, you’ll need to decide if it is still worth it to you to have the tattoo or if you’d be happier without it.
- Your emotions – Does your tattoo inspire positive feelings and have an uplifting impact on your emotional well-being, or do you experience feelings of regret, dissatisfaction, or other negative emotions when you look at it? If the negatives outweigh the positives, tattoo removal is likely worthwhile.
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