If you have skin tags, you’ve likely investigated what causes them and what can be done to remove them. Although they are largely benign, skin tags can cause feelings of self-consciousness or embarrassment, especially if they are in a particularly noticeable place or if you have a lot of them. There are a lot of misconceptions about skin tags, their causes, and who can get them, as well as skin tag removal, and in this article, we’ll dispel a few of the more common myths we’ve heard here at Lily Handt health + beauty.
Myth: Skin tags are contagious. While there are plenty of contagious skin conditions out there, skin tags are not among them. These benign growths are caused by the friction of skin constantly rubbing together, and they cannot be spread between different people.
Myth: Skin tag removal leads to more tags. Removing a tag will not cause more to pop up in its place. If you have a skin tag removed and more pop up, it’s because the conditions that caused the first one are still present, not because the previous one was removed.
Myth: Home remedies are a safe skin tag removal option. Tying the tag off with string, dousing it in apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil, or cutting it off with any kind of home tool is not a safe or effective way to remove them. Many kits promise results, but they are largely unsupported by evidence, and some can even cause skin irritation or other issues. Skin tag removal should always be done by a professional who can safely and cleanly remove it and not cause further damage to your skin.
Myth: Skin tags will fall off on their own. It’s unlikely that a skin tag would fall off on its own, so professional skin tag removal services are the best way to handle them if they bother you in any way.
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