Lily Handt health + beauty > Health & Beauty Blog > August 2021 Special NON-SURGICAL SKIN LIFT

August 2021 Special  NON-SURGICAL SKIN LIFT

August 2021 special - NON-SURGICAL SKIN LIFTGreetings,

Thank you for being a part of the LILY HANDT HEALTH + BEAUTY family!

For the month of August, we are offering a FREE consultation and $100 OFF any non-surgical skin lifting package!

For those who are not familiar with non-surgical skin lifts, it is a non-invasive anti-aging procedure that involves wrinkle removal without needles and does not require medical aftercare. During the procedure, the hand-piece produces at its tip, a tiny so called plasmatic flash where electric energy is transformed into electrostatic energy in a certain distance of the skin (without penetrating the skin). Hanging wrinkles typically have too much water inside the skin which is “vaporized” during the application at a distance of 1 millimeter. The excess skin is effectively burned and will come off as scabbed flakes between 3-5 days after the procedure.

Contact us via email or give us a call to reserve your appointment today!


Lily Handt health + beauty
141 S Stratford Rd
Winston Salem, NC 27104
[email protected]